General registration guidelines for the 5th International Congress of Medical Assessors in Slovenia

Registration options

  • individual
  • group

Key deadlines

  • Registration: from 01.02. to 09.04.2024
  • Group registration: from 01.02. to 01.04.2024

Important information

Prior to registration, please set up your own account on the Congress website.

To register successfully, all steps must be completed. An incomplete registration cannot be saved or continued at a later point in time.

Your registration will not be confirmed until full payment has been made.

Setting up an account

Registration for the Congress is only possible via, from 01.02. to 09.04.2024. An individualized and complete registration via the web form is required for obtaining medical credits at the Medical Chamber of Slovenia (Slovenian doctors only). Registrations sent by email, fax or ordinary post will not be accepted.

The invitation to register on the Congress website will also include a link for accessing the registration program.


A personal account must be created to access the registration program.

After clicking the registration button on the Congress website, a dialogue box will open where your name and surname, e-mail address and password of your choice should be entered.  The password must be at least 6 and at most 10 characters long. After the details entered have been confirmed, you will receive an email notification that the account has been set up successfully, with a link through which you can access and edit your data in the future.

In your profile, a Questionnaire is made available for your comments on the contents, lecturer performances, and overall impression of the congress at the end of the event. After submitting the Questionnaire, a Congress participation certificate can be printed, and if the attendance requirement has been met, a confirmation will be issued by the Medical Chamber of Slovenia (ZZS) and access to the Congress Proceedings provided.

Congress Registration

To register for the Congress, please click on the link that was sent to your email address, or you can register via the congress website by clicking on the registration button. A dialogue box will open for entering your name and surname as well as your e-mail address and password of your choice.

If you have forgotten your password, please click on »Forgot password?« and follow the instructions. After entering the required information, the initial Congress registration dialogue box will open. Here you can choose between an individual and group registration with the password that you received from the contact person of the group application.

When you open the registration program, the instructions next to each box (marked “i”) will guide you through the process.


Please take special note that:

  • all boxes marked with an asterisk must be completed,
  • if you do not fill out one or more boxes marked with an asterisk, the web app will not allow you to proceed to the next step,
  • to register successfully, all steps must be completed, as an incomplete registration cannot be saved or continued at a later point in time,
  • to proceed to the next step, click »Next«,
  • to go back to the previous step, click »Back«,
  • the Congress Registration also contains drop-down menus, allowing you to choose one of the options provided.

Individual registration:

  • During step one, please enter all the information required (personal details and your participation status at the congress – participant, speaker, member of the OC, etc.).
  • Step two provides you with the information on the cost breakdown and the total amount to be paid, depending on the details entered in the previous registration steps. The registration will be forwarded to the Thermana Laško reservation service,, who will send you a pro forma invoice to your e-mail address.
  • The pro forma invoice has to be paid in seven days.
  • Even in the case of group registration done on your behalf by the contact person, you have to register individually with the code you obtain from your coordinator. When registering individually with a code, the participant will not be charged for the amount covered by the contact person of the group registration. Only additional services (accommodation, gala dinner) will be charged
  • Once the payment is made, you will receive an email stating that you have been successfully registered.

 Payment methods:

  • Payment by credit card only (Visa, MasterCard/EuroCard ali Diners Club Card) or via bank transfer.

Group registration for the Congress

Group registration is possible from 01.02. to 01.04.2024


Please note that:

  • In the case of group registration, a contact person has to be designated.
  • In the first step, all required data (personal data of the contact person) have to be entered.
  • In the second step, the form “List of Persons Being Registered” has to be filled out.
  • After filling out the form, the contact person will receive from Thermana Laško booking service ( an e-mail with a pro forma invoice based on the entered data, which has to be paid in seven days.
  • After the payment has been made, the contact person will receive an email from the reservation service with a copy of the invoice and the registration confirmation including the codes to be passed on to all participants/speakers for which a group registration was made and which will enable them to register for the Congress individually ( The number of codes equals the number of participants registered in the group.
  • Individual registration makes it possible for each participant to access the questionnaire, to print out congress the attendance confirmation, to obtain the ZZS certificate used for renewing Slovenian medical licenses, and the online Congress Proceedings.
  • When registering individually, the participant is not charged for the amount covered by the group leader within the group registration.


Payment Methods

Payment can be made by credit card (Visa, MasterCard/EuroCard or Diners Club Card) or via bank transfer.


Important dates

7th International Congress of Medical Assessors of Slovenia:

11. 04. 2024 – 12. 04. 2024

Call for Abstracts

09.10.2023 – 30.11.2023


01.02.2024 – 09.04.2024

Project partners
